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Qzer’s life has been an almost-eternal struggle. Growing up in the age of humanity’s downfall, he has to keep up with what others would call “shit”. He has to balance his education, family, and work, while keeping a spot in his day for his dearest passion, music.

 His dedication is seen by the amount of tracks he has, and their musical quality. A lot of people around him got into the scene of making music, but as soon as they realized the hardships they’d have to bear to make a name in the industry, 101% of them gave up. As far as Qzer is concerned, the best of the pack always survives.

 His musical style is different from contemporary rappers, who rely on music and sound effects to make the song "flow". His lyrics are contemplative, and are structured so that they flow with the music, or off the tip of your tongue, depending on the situation.

 All of the artists, that he has worked with, describe him as intelligent, creative, and "lyrically" spontaneous, spontaneity being a great skill for the likes of him.

  • Qzer, after representing U.S and U.K, returned back to Pakistan, and represents Karachi.
  • Qzer is not just an underground rapper, but also a commercial rapper, and his albums are out on sale.
  • Qzer aka karlim, is the leader of the rap movement launched here in pakistan
  • Qzer is the founder of (LLT) lifelinethugs records and productions.


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